Leadership Coach

Empowering women to embrace deeper layers of healing and embodied leadership


Leadership Coach

Empowering women to embrace deeper layers of healing and embodied leadership

To be an embodied leader is

to be aligned  in every area of your life

It is having done, and integrated, the deep inner work to let go of the emotional, behavioral, and mental blocks that keep you from your true power. It is getting clear on your vision, your deepest desires, your needs, and your goals. It is having the courage to make the bold changes necessary to step into full authenticity and self-expression.

It is showing up with compassion and grace in difficult situations, with healthy boundaries and clear communication. It is truth. It is clarity. It is grace. It is wholeness. It is integration.


Hi, I am Danielle

Over the years, what I've found to be the most effective way to create change is to combine both transformational and practical work.

By getting to the root of any pattern or behavior, we can create lasting change from the inside out. I love working with women who are ready to get unapologetically honest about the changes they need to make in their lives, in order to step into their leadership and full expression.

By diving into the Mastery Method coaching methodology, I support my clients in transforming through the 5 levels of change - somatically, emotionally, mentally, behaviorally and unconsciously. By going inwards we can clear the blocks that have been holding you back, and get you taking aligned action towards your vision and goals.

If you're here, I want to celebrate you for taking the first step towards your growth, healing, and expansion.

It would be a privilege to support you on your journey.

With love,


To be an embodied leader is

to be aligned  in every area of your life

It is having done, and integrated, the deep inner work to let go of the emotional, behavioral, and mental blocks that keep you from your true power. It is getting clear on your vision, your deepest desires, your needs, and your goals. It is having the courage to make the bold changes necessary to step into full authenticity

 and self-expression.

It is showing up with compassion and grace in difficult situations, with healthy boundaries and clear communication. It is truth. It is clarity. It is grace. It is wholeness. It is integration.


Hi, I am Danielle

Over the years, what I've found to be the most effective way to create change is to combine both transformational and practical work.

By getting to the root of any pattern or behavior, we can create lasting change from the inside out. I love working with women who are ready to get unapologetically honest about the changes they need to make in their lives, in order to step into their leadership and full expression.

By diving into the Mastery Method coaching methodology, I support my clients in transforming through the 5 levels of change - somatically, emotionally, mentally, behaviorally and unconsciously.

By going inwards we can clear the blocks that have been holding you back, and get you taking aligned action towards your vision and goals.

If you're here, I want to celebrate you for taking the first step towards your growth, healing, and expansion.

It would be a privilege to support you on your journey.

With love,



Hi, I am Danielle

Over the years, what I've found to be the most effective way to create change is to combine both transformational and practical work.

By getting to the root of any pattern or behavior, we can create lasting change from the inside out. I love working with women who are ready to get unapologetically honest about the changes they need to make in their lives, in order to step into their leadership and full expression.

By diving into the Mastery Method coaching methodology, I support my clients in transforming through the 5 levels of change - somatically, emotionally, mentally, behaviorally and unconsciously. By going inwards we can clear the blocks that have been holding you back, and get you taking aligned action towards your vision and goals.

If you're here, I want to celebrate you for taking the first step towards your growth, healing, and expansion.

It would be a privilege to support you on your journey.

With love,


OUR profound



OUR profound


  • Colleen Larkin

    My session with Danielle truly blew me away. In our first session she took me deeper than I imagined I could go in just one hour and in a direction I never expected. She has incredible intuition backed with an amazing skill set. I felt deeply held and seen...

  • Lindsey Western

    I have had a recent coaching experience with Danielle that was extremely powerful and helped me clear almost a decade of emotional pain. 

    The work that she has done with me has revealed and dealt with some core issues that had remained buried despite previous therapy and coaching...

    read more
  • brenda bottineau

    Working with Danielle this past year has opened the doors to so many new possibilities within me. I always knew that I was capable of so much more than I was achieving, but I deeply struggled with self doubt and fierce inner criticism...


OUR profound


  • Colleen Larkin

    My session with Danielle truly blew me away. In our first session she took me deeper than I imagined I could go in just one hour and in a direction I never expected. She has incredible intuition backed with an amazing skill set. I felt deeply held and seen...

  • Lindsey Western

    I have had a recent coaching experience with Danielle that was extremely powerful and helped me clear almost a decade of emotional pain. 

    The work that she has done with me has revealed and dealt with some core issues that had remained buried despite previous therapy and coaching...

    read more
  • brenda bottineau

    Working with Danielle this past year has opened the doors to so many new possibilities within me. I always knew that I was capable of so much more than I was achieving, but I deeply struggled with self doubt and fierce inner criticism...



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(52) 984 280 3101
Danielle Paré - Transformational leadership coach, entrepreneur, and deep lover of life.
contact me
(52) 984 280 3101
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